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Improving the Educational Possibilities

cooperTitle: Improving the Educational Possibilities of Urban High School Students as They Transition from 8th to 9th Grade

Authors: Robert Cooper, Suzanne Markoe-Hayes

Date: September 2005

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This study reports the findings of an ongoing collaborative partnership between the UCLA EASE Project, The Dream Foundation, and the educators at Valley High School to develop and evaluate a transition model that creates “a college-going culture” among entering ninth grade students. We offer four policy recommendations that can help school communities, and the educators within them, facilitate effective and successful transitions from middle school to high school and ultimately lead to high school graduation:

  • Allocate resources to support and oversee the 9th grade transition
  • Fund programs that create intentional opportunities of positive peer networks
  • Educate Families about the importance of the 9th grade Transition
  • “Over-determine success” in the 9th grade


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